Racial Reconciliation

Do I believe descendants of the enslaved experience full opportunity and equal justice in the United States? No. .. and we must address this immediately.

Do I believe all white people are white supremacists, that we must eliminate (or demonize) police, or that we need a federal department of anti racism with the power to veto or amend any law? No. … and using race as a lens to see society can create profound insights that clarify what our society values and what it only pays lip service to, …. and yet, using ONLY race as a lens to view society will create a completely distorted worldview that destroys empathy and the opportunity to form the meaningful connections where true empathy and community can be built.


Pay the Debt Owed

The United States government promised the enslaved population of southern states 40 acres and a mule. It later welched on that promise.

While my ancestors were not here at that time, and arguably did not benefit in very measurable ways from slavery, as most of our anscestors did not, I can still recognize that an enormous moral crime was committed against black people.

When there are crimes, restitution is appropriate. I didn't commit this crime, so why am I obligated to pay a debt? I am not obligated, but I still want this debt paid. And I see that our nation will not be able to move forward in one spiritual piece until this debt is paid. So I am willing to pay a part of it. That is why I support reparations to the descendants of the enslaved.

Police with Empathy

I know enough people in law enforcement to know that most of them are beautiful, loving and kind people doing a very stessful job because they want to be of service to people in need.

I have been mistreated by police enough to know that some are total power tripping assholes.

  • Police departments SHOULD be representative of their communities.

  • Police departments SHOULD be open to civil oversight which isn't obstructed by police unions.

  • Police SHOULD be given way more time and resources to manage their emotional and psychological stress and trauma.

  • Police SHOULD not be expected to solve root problems such as poverty, poor education and generational traumas, but they should be trained AND SCREENED to have high levels of empathy for those of us who are affected by these and other societal root problems.

Educate with Equity

Funding education through property taxes is one of the primary drivers of staggering educational inequities. I think finding other primary funding sources for education is critical.